Are You Passive-Aggressive in Your Relationship?


Recognizing behavior flaws such as a passive-aggressive communication style in others, particularly your partner, is usually easier than acknowledging your own shortcomings. Countless people are hostile in passive ways, yet, many have no idea that their conduct could be described in such a way.

You may be passive-aggressive if you sulk, conveniently “forget” to do things for a partner you’re upset with, or you are aware that you are exceedingly uncomfortable around anger. If you are passive-aggressive, chances are it is damaging both your romantic and other close relationships.

What is passive-aggressiveness?

Passive aggressiveness emerges as hostility that is not openly aired, at least not verbally.

Someone might “forget” to do something for a person they hold a hidden grudge against.  Alternatively, he or she may take a long time to perform such tasks, be late constantly, make faces behind someone’s back, or engage in a variety of other antagonistic behaviors. In close and intimate relationships such as marriage, a spouse might withhold affection, eye-roll and “huff and puff” instead of openly expressing anger or other uncomfortable feelings. Alternatively, the spouse will make their partner’s life difficult in some other manner. Passive-aggressiveness often arises in response to your partner’s demands and requests. Or, you are unhappy about some aspect of the relationship and are not directly expressing this or looking to collaboratively problem solve.  

What makes people passive-aggressive?

Much of the time, demonstrating hostility in such an indirect or complicated way stems from childhood. Children who are taught that anger is a terrible emotion or ridiculed when they reveal their temper, get the message that exhibiting strong emotions (such as anger) overtly is unacceptable.

Children then fail to learn how to adequately express feelings that they perceive as undesirable. Sometimes, even a belief that they are incompetent and imagine that they will not be taken seriously if they show anger. On other occasions, they may be afraid that their anger could spark rage from someone else, which they won’t be able to manage.  Expressing anger verbally is difficult for such individuals since they do not possess the necessary communication skills.

Does this sound like you?

If you think you may be passive-aggressive, do not panic! This does not make you “defective.”  Displaying hostility passively means you have not learned more efficient and effective ways of communicating. And, let’s face it, your behavior does not usually afford you what you want.

Can you change the way you communicate?

While altering a life-long habit may not be an easy task, it is definitely possible – and well worth the effort – to develop assertive communication skills and learn how to handle anger effectively and express yourself.

The first step is to recognize the unhealthy behavior you display when you are angry. Each time you feel the urge to carry out similar practices in the future, stand back, and take inventory of your actions. Ask yourself whether there are alternate ways you could express how you feel that are likely to be beneficial and more readily get your needs met.

Being direct, telling your partner that you are angry, and what exactly is bothering you, is the healthy and productive way to respond.

There are effective ways to communicate aren’t argument inducing or antagonistic. Begin by saying how their actions make you feel, and if relevant, how the behavior is detrimental to your well-being. Avoid shouting, swearing, accusing, and name-calling at all costs. Instead, begin sentences with “I” and follow with a factual description of why you feel hurt.

Poor communication patterns such as passive-aggressiveness are not that uncommon since many people act out their hostility rather than communicating verbally on occasion. Nevertheless, when doing so is repetitious, meaningful relationships—such as your marriage—can slowly crumble and break down. Learning how to express yourself in constructive ways can rebuild damaged relationships and prevent them from falling apart.

If you liked this article, you’ll enjoy listening to my interview on the I DO podcast: Navigating Passive-Aggressive Relationships


Do you need help with assertive communication in your life? As a therapist, I do this all the time! Feel free to reach out to me for help.

Are YOU The Problem in Your Relationship?

relationship problem

By Dr. Marni Feuerman

In my therapy practice, it is common for people to come in and complain about their spouse or significant other.  It is definitely more of a challenge to take a true inventory of your own behavior and have insight about how you might be contributing to the state of your relationship.  There is always room to improve over the course of a long-term relationship.

Here are some important questions to ask yourself to find out if you have areas that need improvement:

Are you emotionally responsive and engaged with your partner?  This means you can you empathize, listen and respond emotionally  You do not label your partner “needy” or some other negative term because he or she is reaching for you in this way. You value your partner and give the special attention this person deserves.  Good partners turn toward each other (not away) when there is a “bid” for emotional connection.

Are you open to dialogue and negotiations?  You do your best to avoid “gridlock” on issues and use problem-solving skills with your partner.  Good partners realize that some issues in a relationship are not solvable. For example, personality characteristics that you find irritating in your partner are not going to simply go away.  But, a good partner practices things like tolerance and negotiation when the problem arises.

Do you “soften your start-up,” as opposed to being harsh when raising an issue?  This is particularly noteworthy for women as they bring up such issues around 80% of the time in the relationship.

Are you willing to “accept influence” rather than “batting it back” or escalating arguments?  The man’s role is crucial here because they are less likely to accept influence from their female partners. The happiest marriages are those in which the husband accepts influence from his wife.

Do you know how to de-escalate negativity in an argument and make efforts to do just that?  This is usually accomplished by using “repair attempts” or language that brings down tension.  Examples are saying “sorry,” or “I misunderstood,” using humor, etc.

Do you avoid the “Four Horsemen” at all costs? These are the key predictors of divorce: criticism, contempt (or belligerence), defensiveness, stonewalling (refusal to talk).  Anger is generally ok, as long as contempt/belligerence is absent. Women are more critical; men are more stonewalling. Stonewalling is often an unsuccessful attempt to calm things down. Criticism during conflict made by women is frequently a reaction to unresponsive or irritable male partners.

Are you trustworthy?  You have each other’s backs and do not keep secrets.  You also behave in ways that better your partner and the relationship (not just yourself) Good partners are also accessible and can be reached when needed and counted on.

Do you focus on the positives and not just the flaws of your partner? Many things you found endearing when you first met your partner can later become sources of frustration.

Do you respect your partner’s autonomy and individuality?  There is no need to be merged into one when you are in love.  It is nice to miss your partner sometimes!  Don’t let your own insecurities sabotage this.

Do you strive to meet each others’ needs?  And furthermore, you do so because you like to see your partner happy? Are you concerned when your partner seems unhappy with you or just blow it off and think that “it’s his/her problem?”  This is a poor attitude to take and will certainly doom your relationship.

Do you make efforts to avoid falling into a rut?  Successful couples make plans to try new things together, go out, have fun, laugh, and play.  Remember that novelty breaths positive energy into the relationship.

Are you physically affectionate and sexually responsive? A good partner is able to be demonstrative of their love by giving and receiving physical affection.  There is a realization that a romantic relationship is a sexual relationship and not just a platonic friendship.

Do you show gratitude and appreciation for your partner?  You may even think and feel you are grateful for your partner, but he/she is not a mind-reader!  Be sure to express it in both actions and words too.

Finally, are you committed to the relationship and view it in terms of a “life-long journey” and not something to quickly bail on when things get rough?  We live in a time that makes it so easy to divorce (can you say “no-fault!”) and find someone else that relationships seem quite disposable.  I assure you that there is nothing like having a long-term bonding love with a partner you can always count on. Be a good partner yourself and chances are you will attract someone into your life with the same values.

This article was also syndicated to If you think you need some relationship counseling to be a better spouse or partner, reach out to me for help. As a  couple therapist, I have helped hundreds of couples get their relationship back on track.