The Boca Raton Observer Magazine Expert Media Contributions

Boca Raton Observer Magazine

As a go-to source for journalists with my local Boca Raton Observer Magazine, you’ll find some of my relationship expert media contributions in their print magazines.

Check them out here:  

Special Delivery

Article: Special Delivery: Should New Mon’s Receive “Push Presents” After Giving Birth? ~ March 2016



 Blended Families


Article: Your’s Mine and Ours: Blending Families Takes Time and Compassion ~ August 2016




Article: Married to The Money: Should Women Be Financially Rewarded With “Wife Bonuses”? ~ September 2015


BOCover Dec 2016

Article: Happy Holidays? Dealing With Seasonal Family Drama As A Couple~ December 2016




I’m Dr. Marni Feuerman, a licensed clinical social worker and a licensed marriage and family therapist in private practice in South Florida. I offer individual counseling for adults on a wide range of relationship problems, and I specialize in couples and marriage counseling.

In addition to my psychotherapy practice, I am also an author , freelance writer, speaker, and frequently quoted expert in the media on topics about relationships, love, dating, and divorce. I have been invited to do video projects (both as a contributor and scriptwriter), radio interviews, and podcasts. View more of my media contributions and my articles on my blog.

Feel free to contact me for interviews, writing and speaking opportunities!

MarthaStewartWeddings Media Contributions

Martha Stewart Weddings media contribution

Martha Stewart Weddings media contributionAs a go-to source for Martha Stewart Weddings journalists, you’ll find my marriage expert media contributions on their online outlet.

Check one of them out here:  


I’m Dr. Marni Feuerman, a licensed clinical social worker and a licensed marriage and family therapist in private practice in South Florida. I offer individual counseling for adults on a wide range of relationship problems, and I specialize in couples and marriage counseling.

In addition to my psychotherapy practice, I am also an author , freelance writer, speaker, and frequently quoted expert in the media on topics about relationships, love, dating, and divorce. I have been invited to do video projects (both as a contributor and scriptwriter), radio interviews, and podcasts. View more of my media contributions and my articles on my blog.

Feel free to contact me for interviews, writing and speaking opportunities!

Why You Shouldn’t Freak Out If You’re Turning 30 And Still Not Married

counseling boca ratonI contributed to the following article on

Well, I still have to find the right person.

But until then, here’s the reasoning behind why the ages between 28 and 32 is the best time in your life to say “I do:”


1. You’ve already had your growing pains.

The best age to wed is late 20s to early 30s. Getting married too young is a little too risky. Someone may still have a lot of growing and maturing to do. There is a good chance a person will make better choices in many areas of their life when they are older and wiser. – Marni Feuerman, a licensed couples therapist in Boca Raton, Florida

Read the entire article here…


I’m Marni Feuerman, a licensed clinical social worker and a licensed marriage and family therapist in private practice in Boca Raton. I offer individual counseling for adults on a wide range of relationship issues and struggles, and I offer couples and marriage counseling. In addition to my psychotherapy practice, i am also a freelance writer and I am a frequently quoted expert in the media on topics about relationships. I have been invited to do video projects (both as a contributor and script writer), radio interviews and podcasts as well. Click to view more of my media sampling, and my articles on my personal,  “The Talking Solution Blog.” You may contact me for any writing or speaking engagements.