The Boca Raton Observer Magazine Expert Media Contributions

As a go-to source for journalists with my local Boca Raton Observer Magazine, you’ll find some of my relationship expert media contributions in their print magazines.

Check them out here:  

Special Delivery

Article: Special Delivery: Should New Mon’s Receive “Push Presents” After Giving Birth? ~ March 2016



 Blended Families


Article: Your’s Mine and Ours: Blending Families Takes Time and Compassion ~ August 2016




Article: Married to The Money: Should Women Be Financially Rewarded With “Wife Bonuses”? ~ September 2015


BOCover Dec 2016

Article: Happy Holidays? Dealing With Seasonal Family Drama As A Couple~ December 2016




I’m Dr. Marni Feuerman, a licensed clinical social worker and a licensed marriage and family therapist in private practice in South Florida. I offer individual counseling for adults on a wide range of relationship problems, and I specialize in couples and marriage counseling.

In addition to my psychotherapy practice, I am also an author , freelance writer, speaker, and frequently quoted expert in the media on topics about relationships, love, dating, and divorce. I have been invited to do video projects (both as a contributor and scriptwriter), radio interviews, and podcasts. View more of my media contributions and my articles on my blog.

Feel free to contact me for interviews, writing and speaking opportunities!